**Context and Aims** The challenges of concentrated corporate power, rising inequalities, and a failing social contract between Government and working people are all unfolding within a deepening climate crisis. In response there is a growing movement wanting to create a new economic reality that recognises ownership matters in a future economy.  The goal of *Democratic Ownership Matters* is to build an international network of practitioners, campaigners and their organisations whose work is based on the belief that democratic ownership matters, and through this platform share learning and better collaborate together. The community has three aims: 1\.     To increase the exchange of research/evidence, synthesise good practice and share what approaches work in restructuring ownership in the economy. 2\.     Build new relationships, cooperation, and collaboration, creating a place where those with a desire to work collaboratively can meet. 3\.     Stimulating debate around novel approaches, exploring new ideas and accelerating the development and uptake of innovation, primarily through events/virtual conferences.      A further potential aim is to: 4\.     Build a greater sense of the scale of this movement to funders and policy makers and increase the potential for coordination, joint research and influencing public perceptions. **Who are we?** This network is open to all those institutions actively working to build an economically democratic future that by design distributes wealth more equitably, and aiming to collaborate to reimagine and restructure ownership in the economy. There are co-hosts on each channel who coordinate activities. Members can suggest launching new channels that meet the aims of the network. Any new thematic or geographic channel will require an institution willing to be a knowledge coordinator. [Power to Change](http://www.powertochange.org.uk/) has worked with a group of leaders from organisations actively working to deliver democratic ownership in the UK, Europe and North America, to launch this network to help overcome this challenge.  There is a steering group that consists of key institutions committed to building a broader more impactful movement, with the following members:  ·       Ibon Zugasti (Mondragon) ·       Melissa Hoover (Democracy at Work Institute) ·       Mathew Lawrence (Common Wealth) ·       David Bright (International Coordinator) ·       John Forbes (Democratic Ownership Manager, Power to Change) ·       Jamie Pett (Network Facilitator)  **How is this work funded?**  Our platform (at [democraticownershipmatters.com/](http://democraticownershipmatters.com/)) is built on open source modules.  This platform has been designed to be a self-supporting platform built on the contributions of its members. This aim is to increase the impact of practitioners, campaigners and their organisations working on the belief that democratic ownership matters, through shared learning and better collaboration.   For the time being it is supported and incubated by Power to Change, making access free of charge, with the possibility that an optional small charge can be made through OpenCollective by members’ to cover the basic costs ongoing. As collaborations emerge within channels, donor funding to resource these activities may be sought.